First Class Jasmine Tea - Jasmine Dragon Pearls
If you like Jasmine tea in Chinese Yum Cha, the Jasmine Dragon Pearls is your "first class upgrade".
Jasmine Dragon Pearls, as known as Buddha Tears, is probably the most popular white tea in Australia.
We are always surprised by this fact as it is not a cheap tea. So, I would say Aussies are now becoming more cultured in their tastes.
Jasmine Dragon Pearls is made white tea (Silver Needle / Yin Zhen) kind of tender tea leaves & buds.
If you like Jasmine Green tea from Yum Cha, Jasmine Dragon Pearls tastes but much nicer!
Has anyone ever tried YUM CHA, and liked the green tea, the Jasmine Green Tea in it?
Well, have a try of the Jasmine Dragon Pearls it kind of like drinking the YUM CHA tea but in a first-class style.
It makes a light cup with enchanting floral fragrance.There are some green tea version of Jasmine Dragon Pearls in the market for double of our price.
Remember green tea Jasmine Dragon Pearls are merely a cheaper imitation of the white tea version. Authentic Jasmine Dragon Pearls are from FuJian, China and it is a white tea.
Better grades of Jasmine Dragon Pearls should be made of young buds and small tender leaves, and the fragrance and taste should be pleasantly floral, not overwhelming and artificial (or bland).
The amount of jasmine flowers visible in the tea mix is irrelevant to the quality of the tea. They are added merely for looks. The true jasmine taste is in the tea leaves.
White tea is reputed to have more antioxidants than green tea, hence drinking white tea is great for health.
The Chinese name of this tea is directly translated as Better grades of Jasmine Dragon Pearls. Buddha Tears is more of a fancy name.
Jasmine Dragon Pearls is so beautiful to drink it brings out my tears
Get to know more about White Tea Varieties in the video below.
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