Mum, You Need a Cup of Tea
I am hugging the cup of tea my daughter just gave me, after a long, stressed out day, trying to be everything and do everything.
I feel deflated. I flopped down on the chair, trying to figure out what to do next with my overheated brain.
"Mum, you need a cup of tea. I hope you like."
My first daughter, Athena is turning 10 tomorrow.
Before her arrival in my life, I never thought much about what parenthood would mean to me.
I knew so little. Didn't care really.
Then her arrival (I count from the day she announced her arrival in my dream - another story), things start to change in my life.
Her birth brings me joyful tears, and relearn what is most important in my life.
Good loving and forgiving and accepting relationships.
Strive to sustain a winning harmony with her and the rest of the family, instead of me stuffing down a command down her throat so I can win ONLY for this moment.
I continue to uncover motherhood - the joy, the lessons, the love I never felt before having kids.
And there are stressful days like today, it is about sit down and give myself a tea break, having ME time.
I want to share some of these lessons with you, MOTHERS in the world.
And for this reason, I invite you to join me and Renee from Anxiety Solutions CBT to the Mums in Business Online Summit.
11 Mums in Business Expert Speakers will be talking all things Mums in Business want to know, achieve and be. It is on from 14-17 Nov.
Come join us, and bring a box of tissue and a good cup of tea, you will need them.
You can listen and watch experts speak about parenting without anger, love language, self-massages, marketing for business, financial advice for women, easy relaxation practice like tea mindfulness, getting on with your partner and much more.
It is online and you can watch or listen any or all topics that speak to you.
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