Tea, Creatively

If your business doesn't innovate, it will die soon or be forgotten quickly in this day and age.
But you may say, to create? I can't, I can't paint to save my life!
(Well, am same!)
So what if we can create, with or without a paint brush? And create some awesome profits along the way?
There are ways this can be done and I will be sharing it with you in the Tea, Creatively online training you just signed up.
So don't forget our date - 13 April Thurs. 10am Sydney Australia time.
In this webinar, you will discover:
• Ways to create your tea products economically
• Steps to launch your products
• Innovate using tea - examples in brewing, packaging, mix and much more.
Be sure to email me your questions before hand.
I will also have prizes given away during the training, but you must be present in the training to be in to win.
The online webinar will be recorded, and sent to registrants. It will be best to watch the training on your computer, although the zoom app we use also has a mobile version. THIS COURSE IS NOW OVER.

Explore Australia's largest selection of Premium Teas & All-Natural Organic Herbal Blends.